Fair-Rite Products Corp.

Fair-Rite Products Corp.

Fair-Rite Products Corp. is a leading manufacturer of full line ferrite components, ISO 9001 certified. Fair-Rite is known for utilizing innovative processes and materials to provide a wide range of components and engineering support for EMI suppression, power and antenna/RFID applications. With over 65 years of experience in the industry, Fair-Rite is the ultimate in Your Signal Solution®.
Transformer Kits(2) EMI, Filter Kits(20)
Magnetics - Transformer, Inductor Components(426)
Bobbins (Coil Formers), Mounts, Hardware(26) Ferrite Cores(400)
Accessories(4) Cable Ferrites(368) Common Mode Chokes(16) Ferrite Beads and Chips(377) Ferrite Disks and Plates(13)